Enhance the Functionality of Your Pool with Pool Pumps
At the center of every swimming pool circulation system is the pool pump. It’s absolutely imperative to the entire circulation and sanitation system that the pump is functioning effectively, is in good condition and is the proper size for your swimming pool.
- Improves circulation
- Distributes chemicals properly
- Maintains clean and balanced water
- Keeps water free of bacteria
- Ensures an ideal temperature
- Creates an enjoyable pool experience
Contact us today to find the right pump for your pool, at a price you’ll absolutely love.

Top 6 Common Pool Pump Problems
1. It’s leaking
2. It’s making a strange noise
3. It doesn’t pull water
4. It’s only taking in air
5. It’s motor won’t start
6. It keeps turning off
If your pool pump is doing any of the above, call us right away for swimming pool repair service. We’ll handle the dirty work, so you don’t have to.

Consult with Pool Pump Experts
If your pool pump breaks down, this is a serious problem for most spa owner’s, and it is recommended that if you are unsure of the method to repair or replace your pump, that you hire an expert technician. Consider hiring All Florida Pool & Spa Center if you consistently get inappropriate readings from your tester, as it could be any number of issues. Remember to stay safe and consult the professionals for any help you need with your pool pump maintenance.

Caring for Your Pool Pump
The safety and quality of your water depends on your pool pump. It works diligently to send water throughout the pool, all the way to the filter and throughout the sanitation system. You should:
- Aim to run your pool pump for about 10-12 hours a day in order to achieve ideal water circulation
- Backwash your filter to enhance the performance of your pump
- Inspect your pump regularly to ensure it’s free of leaks and attached to the equipment pad properly
- Inspect the electrical system, ensuring that it’s properly wired and grounded with a ground fault interrupter, and that it has a time clock that’s in good working order
If you suspect something is amiss, schedule pool service today.

We also ship pool supplies to several countries and territories like the Bahamas
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